
About the project


AISS is an Erasmus+ KA220 project

AISS is an Erasmus+ KA220 – Cooperation Partnerships in Higher Education (Erasmus+2023-1-ES01-KA220-HED-000153371) project with a duration of 24 months (01/10/2023 – 30/09/2025). The consortium is composed of four European universities:

Project objectives

The main objective of the project is to increase the availability of digital content, technologies and practices by developing a compendium of different scenarios and supporting technology based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions. In addition, with the AISS project we will achieve the following objectives:

  1. To improve the competences of teachers in relation to global best practices in the use of AI in higher education.
  2. To develop training modules and increase the use of AI technologies in education through the development of virtual assistants for learning modules.
  3. To create a framework and toolkit of AI technologies for wider and faster integration in higher education.
  4. Improve students’ experience with multimedia technologies by integrating AI-based support systems (chatbots).
  5. Enhance selected multimedia curricula with innovative AI-based solutions for education and conduct targeted pilot testing.

Expected impact of the project

  1. At the TEACHER AND TRAINER level, knowledge will be increased, skills and competences will be enhanced and motivation towards lifelong learning will be increased.
  2. At the STUDENT level (formal and non-formal) knowledge, skills and competences in the study of multimedia technologies will be increased.
  3. At the LOCAL, REGIONAL AND NATIONAL level modification of learning. The results of the project, based on the best experience of the project partners, will increase the new competences of the learners of the group of teachers.
  4. At the EUROPEAN AND INTERNATIONAL level, the project will reach several European countries through different dissemination channels, such as EU, international networks, websites of the project and partner organisations. The project results will be freely available online on the Erasmus+ Project Results Platform, so that both teachers and students will be able to learn and use them all over Europe.

Expected results

R1. Compendium with 16 scenarios of AI solutions to be used in teaching.

R2. Virtual assistant with 4 different scenarios related to the study process.

R3. Toolkit serving as a guide for teachers and trainers based on AI.

R4. Redesigned multimedia study programme- Training modules.

Who is the project addressed to?

Target groups of the AISS project:
  • Higher education teachers and students
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